Uterine Fibroids and Frequent Urination

Fibroids are a gynecological condition that can cause a variety of symptoms and affect approximately 70% to 80% of women. If you’re familiar with the discomfort that fibroids can leave you with, you may also be wondering—can fibroids cause frequent urination? An increase in bladder issues is just one of the many symptoms of fibroids, but you’re not without options when it comes to fibroids treatments and management.

woman frequently urinate

Understanding Fibroid Symptoms

Fibroids, also known as uterine leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop within or on the walls of the uterus. They are made up of muscle and connective tissue and can range in size from small, pea-sized nodules to larger masses. While the exact cause of fibroids remains unknown, hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, and estrogen dominance are believed to contribute to their development.

The most common symptom associated with uterine fibroids is heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. However, fibroids can also create a variety of other symptoms, including pelvic pain, pressure or discomfort, constipation, abdominal bloating, and changes in urinary patterns. Frequent urination is one such symptom that affects many women with fibroids.

Frequent Urination and Fibroids

frequent urination toilet

The close proximity of the uterus to the bladder plays a significant role in the connection between fibroids and frequent urination. As fibroids grow larger, they can exert pressure on the bladder, causing it to become compressed or displaced. This pressure can irritate the bladder and disrupt its normal function, leading to increased urinary frequency.

Fibroids can also affect the kidneys. In some cases, large fibroids can obstruct the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. This obstruction can interfere with the normal flow of urine, causing urinary tract infections (UTIs) and giving rise to UTI-like symptoms such as urgency, a burning sensation, and discomfort during urination.

Symptoms of Bladder Problems from Fibroids:

  • Feeling an urgency to urinate

  • Difficulty emptying the bladder fully

  • Cramping or the feeling of pressure while urinating

  • Feeling like you have to go even when the bladder is empty

  • Leaking urine during physical activity or when coughing or sneezing

bladder problem symptoms from fibroids

Managing Frequent Urination with Fibroids

If you're experiencing frequent urination due to fibroids, there are several ways to find relief. However, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Lifestyle modifications: Certain lifestyle changes can help manage frequent urination. These include limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, as they can irritate the bladder. Practicing pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the bladder can also help, as well as maintaining a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the pelvic region.

Medical treatment: Your doctor may recommend medications to alleviate fibroid symptoms, such as hormonal therapies or pain relievers. These treatments can help reduce the size of fibroids and relieve pressure on the bladder, consequently reducing urinary frequency.

Alternative therapies: Some women find relief from fibroid symptoms through alternative therapies like acupuncture, herbal remedies like curcumin, or dietary changes. While scientific evidence is limited in this area, it's worth discussing these options with a qualified practitioner.

Surgical interventions: In severe cases where fibroids cause significant disruption to urinary function or other symptoms, surgical interventions may be necessary. Procedures such as myomectomy (removal of fibroids while preserving the uterus) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be considered.

Non-surgical treatment: Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE),  is a non-surgical option where a catheter is inserted to deliver embolic agents to the artery that feeds the fibroids, causing them to shrink and eventually die. This is an outpatient procedure suitable for all types of uterine fibroids, which means you can go home the same day without any visible scarring or stitches.

The severity of urinary frequency can vary among individuals. Some women may only experience mild discomfort or a slight increase in urinary frequency, while others may find it significantly disruptive to their daily lives.

The impact of fibroids on urinary patterns can be further influenced by the size, number, and location of the fibroids. Larger fibroids or those located near the bladder are more likely to exert significant pressure and cause more pronounced urinary symptoms.

Frequent urination alone may not always indicate the presence of fibroids. Other underlying factors or medical conditions are also contributing factors. Therefore, if you're experiencing frequent urination or any other concerning symptoms, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

If you are interested in finding out more about fibroids and the treatments available, schedule your fibroid consultation here.

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